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The Legend of Zelda - 10 Full Soundtracks!
Audio > Music
666.26 MB

+2 / -0 (+2)

Dec 20, 2004

Soundtrack till alla Zelda spel från NES, SNES, Nintendo 64 och GameCube:

1. The Legend of Zelda (NES)
2. The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link (NES)
3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
4. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (SNES)
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
6. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)
7. The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker (GameCube)


8. The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Symphony
9. The Legend of Zelda: Sound and Drama 
10. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Orchestrations



skulle ju vara schysst om nån seedar :p
Ah nice, kommer också att seeda denna, älska zelda musiken! :)
Jag kommer lugnt seeda denna
Correction förresten, links awakening var till gameboy
Hmm... 666 mb. Det här verkar misstänksamt.
Jag får att felmeddelande där det står "Fel: Too Many Files Open (allocateFiles new:C:blablablakatalogensomjagtankartill9 - Gerudo Valley.mp3 )" jag har testat att tankat till andra ställen då står det samma sak fast filen kan variera eftersom den inte alltid börjar med samma.. Hjälp tack jag vet vad det betyder eller hur jag skall lösa det.. tack på förhand
"Jag vet INTE vad det här betyder" skall det så klart stå! :P puckade mig
Grymt att ni lägger upp sådant här! tankar i 2kbs tyvärr, men den som väntar på något gott väntar alldrig för länge!
Du kan lätt fixa felet med "too many files open bla bla" genom att byta till bittornado eller någon annan klient som stöder torrents med så här många filer.
testa byta till bittornado så borde det funka.
kalas att ni lägger upp sånna.. är de nån som har soundtrack till street fighter II?? skit bra låtar ju :D
Seed please!!
Sluta inte seeda nu!
det gör ju inget om fler seedar så går det kanshe fortere än 5 kb

Denne var topp! :-)
Skal seede denne filen en stund fremover.
666mb? Hehe... stilte spørsmål her jeg og'.
more seeders please. its going 0kbps :'(
Om ni kör linux och får problem med för många öppna filer är dt kanska lätt att ändra, det är en säkerhetsinställning. I debian har jag för mig att man pillar i /etc/security, så löser det sig.
Vet någon var jag kan få tag i fler spelsoundtracks? / soundtracket till ps2-spelet Breath of fire: Dragon quarter?
Seeda plz
Needs seeds!
.. love to someone who seed ;)
I've been looking for the Link to the Past soundtrack for the longest... and what the hey, here's pretty much all of them. If I can actually hit 100% I'll seed this while I'm asleep (8 hours a day) every night for like a week. :D
seed please! Zelda kicks ass!!!
Seeda, gubbar!
Seed! I promise i will seed when i have downloaded it
Seed please... Just started to play Zelda again and would love these ones :p So seed please
Love Zelda and I love this

Please Seed
SEED! plz
Awesome torrent, dude. Expect my contribution as a seeder for quite a while.
Denna torrent länkar ett kulturarv!
I love how the file size is 666 mb.
i hate how the file size is 666
Please Seed!
I have no opinion one way or the other, on the fact that the file size is 666 mb

While I muchly appreciate that you get all the OST collections (and various orchestrations) into one torrent, some of the OSTs are not complete, for example A Link to the Past OST where several songs at the end are missing.

It is slightly missleading that you post this torrent and say all 10 albums but some of them aren't complete. While maybe it doesn't matter for some, I don't like the fact I now have to hunt the missing files just to make the albums complete.

A sidenote.
Anyway, I noticed this when I started to check up the correct names of the tracks (some of them are very misstracked although not all).
whoever finds the missing tracks should post where to get them.. I think maybe a small patch torrent would help out here, just cause the 666 mb is kinda funny :)

thanks for the music
This torrent kick ass! so plz seed! =)
You know that feeling... in the pit of your stomach... and then it travels... :....( ohh little sprite I still remember!
"Size: 666.26 MiB "

I lol'd.Anyway,thanks for this.I wanted the NES soundtracks (because 8bit music is awesome)

Guys... come on, i left this on ALL night and it didnt finish. I'm still at 99.9%.

im DLing at 0kb/s and ULing at 90kb/s.

help me out.
Awesome, great job and thx bro!
is it true some r missing
Yeah, it's true.
I barely found out when I went in trying to edit the albums.
It kinda sucks.
666 !!! Mb! lol

Thks for that torrent ! :D
No phantom hourglass? :(
A winrar is you, good sir. But what's with the 666 file size?
Thanks alot for this cant wait to listen to em all.
awesome thanks a million.
Thank you very, very much.
thanks for the UL!
I've been wanting these. :)
Just a small bit of info for you, Link's Awakening was never on SNES, it was a GameBoy game. It really don't matter though, thanks for the upload.
666 Demonic MB to download, thanks!